Monthly Archives: July 2011

Deep Caches Can Unstir the I/O Blender

- written by Patrick Kelsey, Dataram Storage Blog Team Member “I/O blender” is a colorful term that was coined to describe a phenomenon that is often seen in virtualized environments, where you have many virtual servers sharing a single storage … Continue reading

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Why use JEDEC Compliant DIMMs?

- written by Phil Muck, Dataram Memory Blog Team Member Not all DIMMs are created equal.  That is where the JEDEC Memory Module committee JC-45 comes into play.  The JEDEC JC-45 committee is comprised of major DRAM manufacturers such as … Continue reading

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Companies Achieve Major Cost Reductions by Re-thinking the Storage Architecture Model

- written by Phyllis Reiman, Dataram Storage Blog Team Member Traditional storage architecture practice often includes a re-occurring cycle of technology refresh or upgrades. An underlying premise of this model is that storage performance and optimization issues are best resolved … Continue reading

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Protect Your Computer by Being Grounded

-written by David Sheerr, Dataram Memory Blog Team Member If you’ve ever gotten a static shock after walking across the living room in your socks on a cool dry winter morning, you know just how easy it can be to … Continue reading

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